By Tim Rich I recently caught up with my teammate Matt Fischesser who made Overall TOTW in Week 11. I live close to the Greatest City in the World. We sat down to try the Chizza at KFC in Orphan turf, Tremont in the Bronx. Tim : What do you remember about your performance in Week 11? Matt: I didn’t really notice my own results until after the match was complete and posted on the OQL site. I was more focused on our team’s overall score and also, as acting captain, on distributing rebound attempts. I do remember being pretty happy about pulling James Cromwell from Six Feet Under and Succession , since The Queen was not a help for me at all. Tim: Which question did you miss to not get the full house? Matt : Part of the reason I didn’t realize I was doing well was because I got my round 2 direct (Mexico!) wrong. Obviously, based on the stats nobody else had trouble with this question. I just couldn’t get past the ‘few thousand miles from Colombia’ bit ...